Equity and Inclusion Policies

The Boston Area Theatre Auditions are designed to connect local theater companies to new local talent, with a specific emphasis on highlighting artists from communities that have been historically excluded from the American theatre. The BATA Leadership Committee is committed to an equitable and inclusive audition process for all.

Staffing and planning (apply here) 

 We seek out input from all segments of the theatre community. Our Leadership Committee consists of diverse members of the Boston theatre community, including members of BIPOC, trans, and disabled affinity groups who were invited to join. If you are interested in being part of the committee, please email Darren Evans.

We encourage applications from BIPOC and other historically excluded staff.

Audition Monitors will be trained to create the most comfortable, supportive environment possible, including welcoming everyone as they arrive, providing accommodations when asked, asking if pronouns should be announced, and ensuring names are pronounced correctly in the audition room.

Performer Applications

Each company is ultimately responsible for their own casting. However, these auditions will intentionally highlight actors from communities that have historically been excluded from the American theatre to disprove the notion that there isn't a diverse pool of local actors ready to be hired for meaningful work.

Artists of historically excluded identities (BIPOC, trans/nonbinary folks, and people with disabilities) may self-identify as eligible for Early application. The first ten days of registration will be open only for these applicants. Additionally, 20% of the slots for each half hour will be reserved for these historically-excluded artists (including those who applied early) and, once slots are full, these artists will be moved to the top of the waiting list.

The Event Director will conduct targeted outreach to local theater companies of color and other affinity groups to ensure a diverse audition pool.

All auditioners, producers and volunteers will be asked what barriers exist to their attendance that we can eliminate or mitigate, and we will staff accordingly (for needs identified at least 1 week in advance). ASL interpreters will be hired as needed, and the space will be accessible to wheelchair users and others who are mobility-challenged. If changes are requested that are not possible to be made this year, we will consider them for following years.


We are committed to offering auditions at no charge to performers. We do this through in-kind donations, grants, individual donations, and nominal producer registration fees. 

Producer registration fees are scaled based on the size of the company, and no organization or individual director will be turned away for lack of funds.